Kodtrolshow control app [alpha]

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Accessible in your scripts are Objects that reference items that you created in Kodtrol, such as Devices and Medias.

All objects have the following base functions:

setVar ( varName, varValue )

Save a device-specific variable.

  • varName ( string )

    the device var name

  • varValue ( mixed )

    the device var value

Return value mixed

Returns the value that was passed to varValue.

Example // Set a device var device.setVar('foo', 42); // Set the device var and assign its value to a code variable var myVar = device.setVar('foo', 'off'); // myVar is 'off'
getVar ( varName )

Get a device-specific variable.

  • varName ( string )

    the device var name

Return value mixed

Returns the value of the device var saved as varName.

Returns null if the var doesn't exist.

Example // Set a device var device.setVar('foo', 42); // Get the device var and assign its value to a code variable var myVar = device.getVar('foo'); // myVar is 42 // Getting a non-existant var var myAbsentVar = device.getVar('bar'); // myAbsentVar is null

Device objects

An object that references a device that you created in the Device Browser. It can be a physical device, or a virtual device.

Depending on the device's associated output type, different functions will be available on the Device object.

DMX / ArtNet

Along will all base Object functions, specific functions are available for devices outputting to DMX / ArtNet:

setChannel ( channel, channelValue )
  • channel ( number | string )

    the channel number or alias

  • channelValue ( number )

    the channel value

Return value number

Returns the value that was passed to channelValue.

Media objects

An object that references a media file that you created in the Media Browser.

@TODO implements Medias in Kodtrol, lol